Showing All 68 Courses

Course Pages: 123456


Basic Bookkeeping Techniques for Business Owners

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Bookkeeping is part of the discipline of accounting which deals with a careful and diligent record of all financial transactions incurred in a business.

Start Time: Started


Basic Tips for Loan Repayment

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Adequate capital is important for the running of any business enterprise.

Start Time: Started




Bead work or craft is for those that are interested in learning the skill. The craft can be learnt by anybody with any level of education. The basic requirement is determination and interest.

Start Time: Started



Animal Husbandry

Before now, honey hunting from wild bees formed the only source of honey widely marketed. At that time honey was harvested from caves, rocks, holes in trees, openings on roofs of buildings, abandoned properties that have sizable holes, etc.

Start Time: Started


Beverage Production


This course teaches you how to prepare beverages using cocoa powder.

Start Time: Started


Bread Production


Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. Get the grips with bread, yeast and fermentation as well as handling dough through all stages of the bread-making process by taking this online course.

Start Time: Started



Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Budgeting is an integral part of the fiscal process in every economy. This course provides a basic understanding of the budgeting process and how to prepare and analyze budgets.

Start Time: Started




Buns is a small, bread-based item or roll which comes in many shapes and sizes. They are most commonly hand-sized or smaller, with a round top and flat bottom. Buns are usually made from flour, sugar, milk, yeast, butter.

Start Time: Started


Business Marketing Strategy

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

All organization that intends to succeed is faced with the challenge of responding to opportunities of the market place. In an attempt to overcome this challenge, the organization is compelled to adopt the methods of adequately planning strategically

Start Time: Started


Business Plans and Location Decisions

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

The future of any business relies mostly on the strength of the business plan and strategy. This lesson intend to create a detailed understanding of the concept of business planning and location decision with the specific objectives.

Start Time: Started


Cattle Production

Animal Husbandry

Nigeria is one of the leading countries in cattle production. Many households all over the world depend on cattle production for livelihoods. This course teaches cattle production as well as the business side of it.

Start Time: Started


Chin chin


Chin chin is a very popular snack in Nigeria, it’s made from basic combination of flour, milk and sugar. There are other optional ingredients like egg, baking powder and nutmeg, these are strictly based on preference.

Start Time: Started